Whispers of Love

In the twilight's gentle hue near Zudio's door,
You appeared, my love, whom I adore.
Walking together, toward Nandan's grace,
Hand in hand, our hearts began to race.

Your touch was warm as we crossed the street,
Sanitizing my hands, a gesture so sweet.
You fed me Fish Fry with tenderness and care,
In that moment, love filled the evening air.

Under Nandan's lights, your fingers traced my thumb,
Resting your head on my shoulder, you made me numb.
I prayed this moment would forever reside,
In the depths of our hearts, side by side.

Oh, my love, you mean the world to me,
Every moment with you, pure ecstasy.
After lunch, we ventured to the park's embrace,
And as I gazed upon your lips, a hidden place.

Heaven felt near when I came so close,
To kiss those feather-like lips, a delicate prose.
In your arms, a warm and loving embrace,
Shivers down my spine, our souls interlace.

With all my heart, my love, I want to say,
I'm addicted to you, in every single way.
DitSan, you are my life's sweet essence,
In your presence, I find my true transcendence.

© Niloy Shouvic Roy 


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