Serenade of Passion

In the dance of our closeness, breaths entwine,
Basorexia blooms, a desire divine.
Words falter, unable to unveil,
The depths of passion when our worlds set sail.

Beneath the cascade of rain's gentle kiss,
Patrichor whispers, a tale of bliss.
Hand in hand, a tremor takes its hold,
As your fingers grace mine, a story unfolds.

Tresses like silken strands, a cascade of dreams,
Brushing lips and trailing, like moonlit streams.
In envy, I watch as they frame your face,
Swept away, then gently tucked in place.

And oh, your fragrance, a spellbinding potion,
Mesmerizing senses with tender devotion.
In the symphony of us, where emotions reside,
Every essence of you, my love, I confide.



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